The professors were so nice when they planned the schedule because they gave us a free day the day after we got back from Jordan. I slept in and stayed in my PJ's all day. I did homework and pictures in the morning. Then we had a group (30 people) who took a taxi to west Jerusalem to play ultimate frisbee. It was so much fun to be outside, running around, and to be in shorts. We had to hurry back afterwards because I was going with a group to a Jewish synagauge for shabbat worship. The shabbat starts for them on friday night when the sun goes down. It was so cool because our Judiasm professor met us there, explained a little about what would happen and answered questions afterwards. It was a small group and Jewish synagaoges aren't things you could identify when driving down the street. It was cool because the spirit was there and almost the entire service was singing (it was all in Hebrew of course). Luckily we sat next to a friendly girl from the Hebrew U and so she would help us to know where we were as they went through the prayer book. It was neat to see how much truth they had and also to realize that they worship Jehovah. Their religion is essentially still stuck in Old Testament times and they worship the Old Testament God. It was a cool realization for me.

That night we had the Shalom Shack Spook Festival, or in other words our halloween party. Everyone was so creative with their costumes. There were 5 virgins, 4 egyptian costumes, and a lot of people that dressed like other people at the center. It was really fun. Carlee and I were gangsters and we wore big sweatshirts, pants, shoes, she wore a bandana, and I wore a hat. It was really fun. We danced to fast songs and played card games. It was such a good break to have before we jump back into school with a final every week for the next three weeks. Things are great here and I feel so blessed to be having the many expereiences I have had.
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